Saturday, 19 August 2023

A Change for 2024

At a recent meeting a slight change was made to our meeting dates for 2024.

As you probably know our meetings currently occur every fortnight, this poses problems for some members who have groups that meet, for example, on the first Thursday of the month. At certain times of the year they cannot attend meetings because our meetings clash with theirs.

It used to be a thing that our meetings coincided with "Pension Day" but these days pensions are paid out on just about every day of the fortnight so that term has lost its meaning. It was also difficult to know when the first or last meeting of the year would occur.

A change was proposed by the committee and ratified by the members that from 2024 meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. The first meeting of the year will always be the 4th meeting in January and the last will be held on the 2nd Thursday in December. It will mean that there will be a couple of less meetings each year because three meetings in a month can never occur - for example this occurred in August with meetings on the 3rd, 17th and 31st of the month.

As stated this will commence in 2024 until then meetings will continue every fortnight for the rest of this year.

Our next meeting is on the 31st August at 10.30am.

See you there...