At the
meeting on the 27th June 2019 members were advised of some important
Birthday Lunch
The Dapto Branch’s Birthday Lunch will take place on 1st August at Kembla Grange Golf Club. As usual members will enjoy a two course meal, good company and a massive lucky door prize draw.The lunch is subsidised by the club and once again only costs members $20. Tickets for the lunch will go on sale at the next two meetings on the 11th and 25th July. Hope to see you there.
Annual General Meeting
The club’s AGM will take place on the 22nd August 2019. This is a little later than usual but was necessary for medical reasons. All positions will be declared vacant and members are encouraged to put their names forward for any of the important positions that keep our club running. Nomination forms will be available at the next meeting so please consider standing.CPSA Annual Conference
The CPSA Annual Conference and AGM will take place on the 29th and 30th October 2019 at Rydges Hotel, Sydney. Dapto Seniors can send three delegates and three observers to this conference. Delegates will be elected at our AGM in August so please consider standing and representing the branch at the CPSA Annual Conference.Next Meeting
The next meeting is on 11th July at the usual time in Heininger Hall we look forward to seeing you there – don’t forget to come early for a chat, a cup of tea, buy your raffle tickets and look at the bargains on the trade table.New members are always welcome and there are plenty of activities during the week for members. Click on the “Club Activities” tab above for more details.