The meeting starts promptly at 10.30 am
Wow, this is the last meeting of the club’s financial year! Doesn’t time fly?
Don't forget to come early:
- Buy your raffle tickets to win a massive $50 with the runner up winning $20 and $10 for the third lucky winner.
- Book a computer lesson
- Get your name down for one of the hit shows booking this year.
- Enjoy a tea/coffee and biscuits.
- Have a look for a bargain on the trade table.
- Pick up a copy of The Senior Newspaper and/or The Voice when they are available.
- Find out about our many activities that you can join in, there is something happening everyday of the week.
During the meeting there will be the usual short reports about the various activities the club offers its members and you are able to bring up matters of interest to members during General Business - don't be afraid to speak up if there is something that concerns you, this is YOUR club.
Nominations for the Committee
All club positions are declared vacant at the AGM. Nomination forms for next year will be available at this meeting. Please put yourself forward for one of the many jobs available, you will find it very rewarding. Without our loyal and hardworking helpers the club would cease to function.
The club’s AGM will be held at the end of July or the beginning of August, the date will be announced at the meeting.
The meeting usually finishes between 11 and 11.30am.
New members are most welcome to come along and find out about the club, there is a short newsletter available for new or potential members at the raffle/signing in table which details coming events and contact details for the various group leaders. Please take one.
Bus Trips
The next bus trip is to HARS (Historical Aircraft Restoration Society) on 2nd July.

Members will be guided round all the many interesting and historical aircraft at the museum including cockpit visits. Aircraft include many airliners from the “Southern Cross II” (a faithful replica Fokker F.VIIb/3m trimotor), three flying C-47 / DC-3 aircraft (one of which is the “Hawdon”, TAA’s first aircraft), DC-4, Convair 440, Super Constellation and Boeing 747-438, we also have a number of other historic aircraft types. There is the Catalina, two Caribou, three P-2 Neptunes (two flyable), CA-27 Australian Sabre, Canberra, two Vampires, Mirage III and an F-111C, amongst others.
It should be a great trip. The bus will be leaving Heininger House carpark later than usual at 9.15am, there is a café at the HARS site for those who want light refreshments.
This meeting is the last chance to get your tickets, this trip is only $20 which covers entry and the bus trip. Make sure you get in early before all the tickets go.
Advance Notice
Members are reminded that at the 12 July meeting we will be having a guest speaker from the Nurses Federation who will take to us about nursing homes and what to look out for. Delegates at the CPSA Annual Conference heard her speak and found her an excellent articulate speaker – she will be most informative. as usual members will be able to ask questions.
Birthday Lunch
Our Birthday Lunch is to be held on the 2nd August at Dapto Leagues Club in the Sinclair Room so tickets will be on sale soon. Still only $20 for a delicious two course meal, with the usual door prizes and good company.