Thursday, 19 April 2012

What a Picnic!

It was a great day out. Despite the threat of rain the club's annual picnic was a great success. About 50 members arrived at the Australian Motorlife Museum for a few hours fun, food and convivial company.

On arrival everybody had a fancy cake, a cup of tea or coffee and sat down to renew old acquaintances or just to find out the latest news while they waited for their meal.

A cold buffet lunch of chicken, potato salad and coleslaw was served followed up with ice cream and yet more cake; and, boy, was it good!

No sooner had the meal been eaten than the trivia quiz was under-way with all the questions relating to the history of Dapto. The winner correctly answered every question except one and was awarded a fabulous prize.

To help burn off the calories the picnic organiser took advantage of (almost) sunny skies for the competitions to commence on the grass outside.

First it was rolling pin throwing followed by the gum boot throwing competition; all the competitors showed great skill in the wet conditions. Unfortunately this year it was just too wet for a game of bocce but everybody enjoyed either taking part or watching the competitors. It was a lot of fun and afterwards prizes were distributed to our champions.

The winner of the rolling pin throwing competition shows her champion's style.

As they left everybody agreed it had been one of the best picnics ever.