At 10am, before the start of our normal fortnightly meeting a representative of the guard's union will make a short presentation about the union's fears regarding the removal of guards from passenger trains on the CityRail Network. This talk was due to take place at an earlier meeting but was unfortunately postponed.
Bus Trip:
Also prior to the meeting bus tickets for our trip to Flemington Market on the 25th March will go on sale. These tickets are only $10 each and the bus fills up quickly so make sure you buy them early.
Computer Tuition:
There is a vacancy for computer tuition on Monday morning; if you are interested book it before it goes.
As Usual:
Naturally all the usual goodies such as a cup of tea, biscuits, raffle tickets and the trade table will be available before the meeting. For those that don't know the raffle tickets are only 3 for $1 with three prizes of $10 in cash for the lucky winners.
Come and support your club. If you are new to the area then you are more than welcome to come along and find out about the many regular activities the club provides. Be sure to check the 'Activities' page for more details.